We have developed diamond single crystal knives, which are widely used in ultra-precision turning and milling of optical materials such as sapphire, zinc selenide, zinc sulfide, silicon, Ge, calcium fluoride, barium fluoride, optical glass, ceramic crystal, etc. High efficiency, high surface quality and long service life.
Our CSDM-PD, polycrystalline diamond micropowder, is a nanodiamond polymer synthesized by transient ultra-high pressure and high temperature explosion. It is similar to black diamond found in a few natural meteorites. It is a polycrystalline crystal composed of cubic diamond and hexagonal diamond. It has high toughness, high self-sharpness and high hardness. As a new abrasive material, it has the irreplaceable advantages of other materials in sapphire grinding. The grinding efficiency is 2 to 4 times that of single crystal diamond, and it does not cause scratches and has a high finish.